

Main Entry: he·ge·mo·ny
Pronunciation: hi-'je-m&-nE, -'ge-; 'he-j&-"mO-nE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek hEgemonia, from hEgemOn leader, from hEgeisthai to lead -- more at SEEK
1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : DOMINATION
2 : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group
- heg·e·mon·ic /"he-j&-'mä-nik, "he-g&-/ adjective

CIA - The World Factbook

Of interest...

CIA - The World Factbook

New Brunswick

Going to New Bruswick to R&D renewable energy.

RE for OIL!

That's right... gonna fight "them", best I can... but using my head instead of my hands. Alternatives to power - power of a human virus - to be replaced by empowerment of an organic humanity.

4 a : forming an integral element of a whole : FUNDAMENTAL b : having systematic coordination of parts : ORGANIZED c : having the characteristics of an organism : developing in the manner of a living plant or animal


On reading the Art of War...

On reading the Art of War (translated by Samuel B. Griffith) from page 109 under the section titled “Maneuver”:

31. To a surrounded enemy you must leave a way of escape.

Tu Nu: Show him there is a road to safety and so create in his mind the idea that there is an alternative to death. Then strike.

Ho Yen-Hsi: When Ts’ao Ts’ao surrounded Hu Kuan he issued an order: “When the city is taken, the defenders will be buried.” For month after month it did not fall. Ts’ao Jen said: “When a city is surrounded it is essential to show the besieged that there is a way to survival. Now, sir, as you have told them they must fight to the death everyone will fight to save his own skin. The city is strong and has a plentiful supply of food. If we attack them many officers and men will be wounded. If we persevere it will take many days. To encamp under the walls of a strong city and attack rebels determined to fight to the death is not a good plan!”

32. Do not press an enemy at bay.

Tu Yu: Price Fu Ch’ai said: “Wild beasts, when at bay, fight desperately. How much more is this true of men! If they know there is no alternative they will fight to the death.”

During the reign of emperor Hsyan of the Han, Chao Ch’ung-Kuo was suppressing a revolt of the Ch’iang tribe. The Ch’ing tribesman saw his large army, discarded their heavy baggage, and set out to ford the Yellow River. The road was through narrow defiles, and Ch’ung-Kuo drove them along in a leisurely manner.

Someone said: “We are in pursuit of great advantage but proceed slowly.”

Ch’ung-Kuo replied: “They are desperate. I cannot press them. If I do this easily they will go without even looking around. If I press them they will turn on us and fight to the death.”

All the generals said: “Wonderful!”

My two cents: Has the veil been removed to reveal that our “enemies” have left us no way of escape? Are we all now fighting to the death? Scary. Sad. Untriumphant.


Stay tuned

Hour by Hour by Nouvel OBS
Jerusalem Post

Any one wish to contribute other good sources (audio/video prefered as these media can be shared with mulitple listeners/viewers)?


I am done. I am sad. I am overwhelmed. I am lost.

I am Lebanese. I am Canadian. I am human.

What has happened to us? What have our forefathers brought us to? This is not time for blame, but for precedent. All this fighting serves only to protect infrastructures, of power and control of this planet’s quickly dwindling resources, and not a peoples. Hezbolla are not the problem. The Gaza is not the problem. They are symptoms of a larger issue.

I am currently working at a bank doing analysis for a bunch of VPs. Over the last two + weeks, I have lost the ability and desire to support “infrastructure”. No longer are my forefathers the problem; the cause; I am. I am a part of this as much a part of it as an Israeli or Hezoblla.

The privileges that the “Western world” has enjoyed are coming to an end. Concepts of “retirement” or “security” or “economic controls” are no longer feasible. Consumption will change. Inflation and deflation will rule. Plastic realities, political, economic, or ethical (i.e. religious) will melt under the flame of hatred and oppression. This is not a planet that can survive these methodologies; the protection of infrastructure. We must relent our individualisms and assumptions of social and international equallity or balance – there is no equal balance – only natural balance, which is often not “equal” but “equitable”.

When I lived in BC, I saw forest fires. The firemen never assumed the ability to stop the fire, but approached the problem by defining what it was that they TRULY needed to protect. Fires are natural. Fighting them is natural. Fighting to protect ones self is natural. Fighting the entire fire is ignorance.

Why do Israel and its supporters believe that “terrorism” can be stopped? Why are they fighting fire with fire? It cannot succeed. It is a symptom of greater, misaligned issues. We cannot marginalize. We cannot assume righteousness. Even a terrorist is “right” within a given context. It is the context that needs to be addressed. Remove the notions that a group, militant or otherwise, can be solely responsible for the actions of a country. Did the US need to lose the towers to understand those implications? Maybe if they flatten the Gaza, maybe flatten Beirut… getting closer? Or maybe flatten Tel Aviv, maybe flatten New York… then what? Police state? Socialist rule? Genocide? What can come of all this? What are we leading ourselves into?

I am very sad that no one has stopped both Israel (mature, wealthy, and educated) and other militant factions (young, desperate, and uneducated). I can’t imagine burning a child to teach it of fire. Why do we burn these Middle Eastern children? Why do we assume a common context? Why do we ask for responsible actions from these learning and growing political infants, when all they see is irresponsibility from their fathers and mothers? Invasions. Force. Finality.

I will not be a part of this front. I will not support my government blindly. I will not remain speechless. I will not ignore my involvement or my responsibilities to what is right and truthful. Meditation showed me my own misaligned approach to securing happiness; balance. Within myself, I see now – how misguided we are, how our egos reign dominant, how we fight to protect what we know and not what we need to learn. I will not be misguided. I will not fight for status quo.

I believe, for the moment and from an uneducated position (i.e. who knows what the truth is anyway – marred and manipulated), that this invasion of Lebanon was a long time in the making and that the intention is to possibly use Lebanon as a global front line against Syria and Iran (i.e. why they could so quickly evacuate the entire country), or what’s left of a sovereign Mideast. Where is the logic in sacrificing millions of lives for the recovery of two mostly pictureless and faceless soldiers? But of course, this is not about kidnapped soldiers...