The more we share
I know now that the “MY” in my life is no more than a secured fiction of my own perception and imagination. What I have to give can only be shared by example; by practice; by compromising. This will ultimately lead to the kind observation that is required to better discover the self, and thusly release it. So, with that said, leading by example should at its root tell me, that the I, like the US, is occasionally lost along the path at some given time; that we don’t always believe in what we’re doing; that it’s ok to be wrong.
This stuck in my head after Vipassana, that like yoga, my daily practices can and will vary, for the better and the worse. In yoga, forcing myself to touch my toes when my body cannot (and because of I did it yesterday and the day before), will take a part of what is the truth in yoga is away from me; equanimity. It’s better that I obverse the difference rather than try to be the me I might have been the days before (meditation made me call it “my nature” (self-implied status quo), but I know now that such a thing only exists because I want it to). Yesterday is not an actual reality, but in fact as unique and ever changing as the memory itself.
Anger, sadness, depression, desire, aversion, highs and lows, terrible and triumphant – all alike - are all part of that process… we are, like the oceans, the wind, and the fire, simply momentary anomalies of craving and aversion, of existence, should what we perceive be good or bad or whatever else. What might be possible, if I try that is, is a release of the self in the scope what is real in a possible truth that could be my live vs. a fictional manifestation of craving and aversion.
My friend is having a baby. I’ve know him for over 15 years. For one of the first times since I’ve known him (to love golf), he put his much loved stroke (symbolic of many self-motivated traits within all ourselves) lower on the list of his EXPECTATIONS and cravings. He told me that a year ago he "would’ve done yoga, hit the gym, seen a psych, whatever to shave 5+ strokes off (his) game.” Good. I mean what is golf game against a new born? In my mind, it’s less than the average in motivating self-improvement. And then, what about sharing those compromises in a conducive manner? It’s, again in my mind, certainly more than golfing a par course. He shared with me. I love you man ;) and watching you love something other than yourself (of course within this context) is more than inspiring. Cheers and know I’ll be here when you need or want me.
Sorry I missed you this weekend, but I was in bed by 9pm on Saturday night!!! I don't know if you've seen her lately, but check out my blog to see pix of Caro's big belly!!!
Okay so you wrote that at my place after your pregnant friend's place and before going out. No mention of my bitchiness on the blog just that you have to bring clothes to work so you sleep at Mike's again.
No mention of apartment with hole in wall. Your fans are waiting non? You live in your head a lot don't you? And some of the head prints on the blog. I don't understand much because I have to reaaaaaad iiiit. Where do the old old postings go? *yawn* work is good. Hope you're having a good Monday. KISS (keep it simple stupid)
Ladies and gents... meet Ramzi. He's a bitchy freak (or freaky bitch; not sure) and is like no other. I've know him for years and continue to roll my eyes at a good chunk (and with a chuckle) of what he says and how he sees himself and the world around him… but he's a great guy, always changing, and probably just as confused (I'll venture a hair more) about his place on this planet's crust as any of us.
So why share this? Because he makes these comments that are as often confusing as he himself can be, and rather than NOT POST THEM, I'll simply tell y'all: don't get scared, he's wonderful and harmless. lol.
On bitchiness: boring to read about. That's why I don't write about it.
On Previous Post: see section clearly labelled "Previous Post" then possibly click on "Archives".
On living in my head: Where do you live?
On my new hole in da wall: patience bitch, geez.
On my fans: it's still too cold for fans.
On Monday: feeling good, thanks! enjoyed my solo foray to Circus; good music; good vibe; too much eye candy – gonna get ceyevaties.
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