
My mind hasn't raced...

...like this in ages. I'm living with my parents; I feel like a teenager. My emotional state seems to match ;) Are the pimples en route?

Sanitary and focused?

Determined but afraid.

Wanting but weaning.

Depth can make waters beautiful but cold; can't say I love being cold.

What's next? So fragile i f e e l . . . it's so often only the beginning.

To think in the long term; a place I often feel simple minded. Sometimes I feel emotionally simple minded too, like a "guy's guy". Bertooouzzzi? Grutsky? Careful. Be aware. Esther is emotionally mature. I occasionally struggle with her; myself. She makes me feel – accountable; and occasionally unrequited... learning.

Be wise in choosing your emotional mentors; they will form how you feel.


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