Our egos...
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Hotel Rawanda
Insp. Bob Rolls, who is in charge of District 2, the northeast section of the city that includes the Downtown Eastside, announced a new enforcement program against public drug use.
"There's no other city in North America that would put up with this," he said.
"We don't allow this for consuming alcohol, yet we allow it for cocaine and heroin. This doesn't make sense."
There will be zero tolerance for crack cocaine smoking or intravenous drug injections in public, he said, noting officers have arrested five people since the crackdown began at the end of last week.
I love you between shadow and soul. I love you as the plant that hasn't bloomed yet, and carries hidden within itself the light of flowers. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. Because of you, the dense fragrance that rises from the earth lives in my body, rioting with hunger for the eternity of our victorious kisses. - [Pablo Neruda]
"If you want to create a real change, fill the Mosques instead of the streets"
Create C# eCommerce sample (meeting someone tomorrow to look at best practices)
Rock Koton (or RocKoton - band name derived from how I was feeling)
Resentment can cause me to act tough – donwannabe acting.
I had been trying to control my feelings by forcing closure(s) – the (s) means that I failed repeatedly but continued to slam that door closed harder each time... retrospectively foolish.
Explore my zodiac
Text messaging and I are not good bedfellows – I am to tech to invite it into the palm of my hand.
Review the 4 (more on this later)
Create/get involved with non-profits.
Travel professionally
Post lyrics to "How many roads..." – not done yet.
Visit CBC Radio 3 website
"If you always get what you want, you might just find, you’ll never get what you need" – [Iwro Tethis] (Ok. gonna say this only once. This is my decided pseudonym "I worte this" – or – Iwro Tethis)
Make music more scientific (i.e. open your eyes and learn from others)
Register @ Concordia (working on it)
Loose The Simpsons (still working on it)
Send goodies to BC (still need to a job b4 this can happen)
Le projet LinQ (anglais) 2006-02-07
Ted Neward is an independent consultant specializing in high-scale enterprise systems, working with clients ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to small 10-person shops. He is an authority in Java and .NET technologies, particularly in the areas of Java/.NET integration (both in-process and via integration tools like Web services), back-end enterprise software systems, and virtual machine/execution engine plumbing. He is the author or co-author of several books, including Effective Enterprise Java, C# In a Nutshell, SSCLI Essentials, Server-Based Java Programming, and a contributor to several technology journals. Ted is also a Microsoft MVP for Architecture, BEA Technical Director, INETA speaker, DevelopMentor trainer, frequent conference speaker, and a member of various JSRs. He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, two sons, two cats, and eight PCs. Reach him at ted@tedneward.com or visit blogs.tedneward.com.
"We are what we pretend to be," wrote author Kurt Vonnegut, "so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." This is excellent advice to keep at the forefront of your awareness during the coming weeks, Pisces. Here's how I interpret his statement: There's not necessarily anything wrong with playing a role if that role is in alignment with your highest values. In fact, to make believe that you are the person you want to be is an excellent strategy for actually becoming the person you want to be.Freewill Astrology
Osteopaths primarily work through the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, mostly on muscles and joints, and pay special attention to how the internal organs affect, and are affected by, that system. Relevant psychological and social factors also form part of the diagnosis. Another important principle of osteopathy is that the body has its own self-healing mechanisms, which can be utilised as part of the treatment.